Linear gold(I) complex with tris-(2-carboxyethyl)phosphine (TCEP): Selective antitumor activity and inertness toward sulfur proteins

Linear gold(I) complex with tris-(2-carboxyethyl)phosphine (TCEP): Selective antitumor activity and inertness toward sulfur proteins

Published by GREMMLENZ

August 5, 2024

S.Q. Gomes, L. Vitoriano , E.G.R. de Arruda , A.L.T.G. Ruiz, T. Candido, J.E. de Carvalho b , W.R. Lustri , C. Abbehausen


The search for modulating ligand substitution reaction in gold complexes is essential to find new active metallo compounds for medical applications. In this work, a new linear and hydrosoluble goldI complex with tris-(2-carboxyethylphosphine) (AuTCEP). The two phosphines coordinate linearly to the metal as solved by single crystal X-ray diffraction. Complete spectroscopic characterization is also reported. In vitro growth inhibition (GI50) in a panel of nine tumorigenic and one non-tumorigenic cell lines demonstrated the complex is highly selective to ovarium adenocarcinoma (OVCAR-03) with GI50 of 3.04 nmol mL−1. Moreover, non-differential uptake of AuTCEP was observed between OVCAR-03 (tumor) and HaCaT (non-tumor) two cell lines. Biophysical evaluation with the sulfur-rich biomolecules showed the compound does not interact with two types of zinc fingersbovine serum albumin, N-acetyl-l-cysteine and also l-histidine, revealing to be inert to ligand substitution reactions with these molecules. However, AuTCEP demonstrated to cleave plasmidial DNA, suggesting DNA as a possible target. No antibacterial activity was observed in the strains evaluated. Besides, it inhibits 15% of the activity of a mixture of serine-β-lactamase and metallo-β-lactamase from Bacillus cereus in the enzymatic activity assay, similarly to EDTA. These results suggest AuTCEP is selective to metallo-β-lactamase but the cell uptake is hindered, and the compound does not reach the periplasmic space of Gram-positive bacteria. The unique inert behavior of AuTCEP is interesting and represent the modulation of the reactivity through coordination chemistry to decrease the toxicity associated with AuI complexes and its lack of specificity, generating very selective compounds with unexpected targets.


The application of gold in medicine traces back ancient times, and modernly AuI coordination compounds have been applied clinically to the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis [1,2]. Recently, research into gold compounds for biomedical application has seen a renaissance due to their high antibacterial [3,4], antiprotozoal [5,6], antitumor [5,7] and anti-HIV [[8], [9], [10]] in vitro activities. Also, a different mode of actions in comparison to classical PtII antineoplastic compounds is reported for gold compounds.

In spite of their impressive antiproliferative effects, high toxicity is also observed, mainly due to the remarkable reducing potential of AuIII/AuI and AuI/Au0 leading to extensive cell damage and drug inactivation [11,12]. In addition, AuI and AuIII complexes undergo fast substitution reactions, which turns difficult to trace the active species and also limits their activity in animal models [9,13].

Several biomolecular targets are described for gold compounds, depending on the ligands, oxidation state, total charge, and geometry [1]. Thus, gold is an interesting example of activity modulation through coordination chemistry. For example, the goldI lipophilic cations accumulate in the mitochondria and inhibit the selenoenzyme thioredoxin reductase, [14,15] while AuI aliphatic compounds inhibit reverse transcriptase [16]. Moreover, aurothioglucose inhibits transcription factor NF-κB [17,18] whilst the phosphinegold(I) with S-donor ligand, auranofin, is involved in different phases of the immune reactions [19,20] and phosphinegold(I) with N-donor ligands replaces zinc in the zinc finger proteins [10]. Further, as AuIII complexes reduction in the biological milieu is always a possibility, the use of multidentate ligands, and nowadays organomettalic chemistry [6], have been described as a good strategy to decrease the reduction of AuIII to AuI, besides DNA, RNA, zinc fingers, and thioredoxin have been suggested as potential targets [7,8,21].

Considering this scenario, synthetic inorganic chemists are engaged in finding methods and ligands to stabilize oxidation state and slow down ligand exchange reactions of gold complexes. Classically, phosphines have been used for the goldI complexes stabilization, being the development of auranofin the most important example. Also, different families of ligands and organometallic chemistry have been developed to stabilize goldI and goldIII complexes, allowing to the design of more secure and active gold drugs [5,6].

Tris(2-carboxyethyl)phosphine P(CH2CH2COOH)3 (TCEP) is a reducing agent frequently used in biochemistry to reduce disulfide bonds in proteins, and peptides [22]. Its aqueous solubility, odorless, stoichiometric application and activity in a wide range of pH turns TCEP application very convenient. TCEP forms complexes with transition metals and the investigation of NiII, CuII, ZnII, CdII, PbII, PtII, CoIII and FeI complexes were reported, with crystallographic structure determination for ZnII, CdII, PtII, CoIII and FeI complexes. [[23], [24], [25], [26]] In almost of all these compounds, metals coordinate to the TCEP by the phosphorus (P) and carboxylate groups (COO) except for the FeI, cis-[PtCl2(TCEP)2] and trans-[PtCl2(TCEP)2] complexes which coordinate only through the P atom [25].

TCEP has been previously reported promoting the reaction between cisplatin with Sp1 zinc finger [27] and between cisplatin and Atox 1 (CuII transporter ATP7B). The formation of a platinate adduct [Pt(TCEP)2(NH3)] was observed, which one TCEP was coordinated through P atom and COO group in a bidentate bond, and another one coordinated through phosphorus [28].

No AuI/III complexes of TCEP have been reported yet. Isolation of a compound of gold in its oxidized states (+1 or +3) with TCEP is difficult due to the ability of TCEP to reduce gold ions to metal gold, forming gold nanoparticles, stabilized by TCEP ligands coordinated in the surface [29].

In this work we report the synthesis, characterization, crystal structure, solution behavior of the AuI linear complex with TCEP (AuTCEP). The biophysical evaluation was performed by the interaction with amino acids [N-acetyl-l-cysteine (nac), l-histidine (his)], peptides [HIV-1-NCp7 C-terminal zinc finger, the Sp1 third zinc finger] and proteins [bovine serum albumin (BSA) and Bacillus cereus β-lactamases]. Besides, the in vitro antiproliferative activity of AuTCEP was evaluated against a panel of nine tumorigenic and one non-tumorigenic cell lines while the antibacterial activity was performed against four bacterial strains, and the combinatory therapy of ampicillin and AuTCEP was evaluated by the determination of minimum growth inhibitory concentration (MIC) in Bcereus strains.

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